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​Recruitment difficulties and coverage of vacancies in Luxembourg


Recruitment commensurate with the ambitions and role of the Institutions is a priority to ensure the quality of the European civil service.


We demand the organization of regular internal competitions allowing all officials (AD, AST, AST/SC) and temporary agents (AT) to reach higher grades, and thus reduce disparities between different career paths.


We are fighting so that contract agents (CAs) can benefit, after 6 years in office, from temporary contracts (TA) for an additional year(s) allowing them to access internal competitions with a greater number of successful candidates.


We ask that internal competitions open to CAs be held at least twice during Parliament's term of office and that their planning be announced well in advance.


We ask that external competitions be organized regularly.


We are asking for more free training for staff, including non-permanent staff, who prepare for external competitions.


In regards to the coverage of vacancies, we recommend a forward-looking management of Human Resources, able to anticipate essential needs and talents

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